Sunday 20 May 2012

Learn Italian ? Rent a Villa in Italy and more

To rent a Villa in Italy e mail me to learn Italian visit Venice,the Dolomites Mountains ......historical towns, Festivals and more .....

Italian is not as difficult if you start realizing how many words you use that have the same  meaning or  are very similar or they have a different meaning but same pronunciation I will update this page weekly …..

for example cioccolata (we pronunce the ata, a as  Art at the end ) is similar to cioccolate
same meaning : meeting, hotel, oregano, pizza, pasta,basilico, acqua, okay, ciao
similar : rucola-arrugola/ insalata-salad /acqua-aqua/blu-blue/
interesting words/easy to remember 
bacio /kiss (c pronounced like c of ciao )/cosa (what) casa (house and home)/
bistecca -steak/strada-street/
a bar in Italy is  a coffee shop /un caffe  is – a coffee (a as american and e as end)/
chi sei ?(who are you ?) is pronounced kiss ei (ei like ehi you /
la’ (there) qua’ (here)/
about false- friends words
fattoria /farm    fabbrica /factory
genitori means parents           parenti means relatives
                    …………..that’s it for today or you will feel
-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

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