Friday, 30 March 2012

And Now an Italian Lesson !

-Italian is not as difficult if you start realizing how many words you use that have the same meaning or are very similar or they have a different meaning but same pronunciation look at this ....
same meaning :meeting, hotel, oregano, pizza, pasta,basilico, acqua, okay,ciao
similar : rucola-arrugola/ insalata-salad /acqua-aqua/blu-blue/
interesting words/easy to remember bacio /kiss (ba pronunced as Batman c pronounced like c of ciao )/cosa (what) casa (house and home)/ strada-street/

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Sing Along ! Canta con me ! My favoirite !!

This is one of my favorite Video !Questo e' uno dei miei Video preferiti ! -- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Yoga In Schools ?

Children’s yoga – in schools? Ten years ago people would have laughed at such an idea. Today children's yoga is accepted and practised in many schools across the UK.  

The aim of our website is to share our years of experience and expertise with you so that you will better understand:
1. The joy and immense sense of fulfillment as well as the challenges that teaching children's yoga brings.
2. That yoga taught as part of the integrated school day brings far more benefits to children than after school or yoga clubs
3. That yoga taught in this way with the right approach contributes to massive improvements to the concentration, behaviour, fitness and emotional well-being of children.


88 years old elected  11 times, Mayor for 33 years, 8 Prime Ministers, no debt and playing Missisuaga, Toronto see her
88 anni eletta 11 volte , Sindaco da 33 anni, la sua municipialita' non ha debiti  e lei fa' ancora sport ......... a Missisuaga Toronto..guardate

-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Monday, 19 March 2012

In Italia bambini poveri ?

dal sito
15 marzo 2012

Un rapporto dell’Unicef evidenzia che nel nostro paese c’è la maggiore percentuale di minori in difficoltà dell’intera Europa

E’ passata relativamente sotto silenzio la pubblicazione da parte dell’Unicef, in Italia come nel mondo, del rapporto sulla condizione dei minori nelle grandi città urbane: l’agenzia dell’Onu per la tutela del’infanzia scrive però con nettezza che nel nostro paese vive la maggior percentuale dell’Europa a 25 di bambini inchiodati sotto la soglia di povertà. Il Daily Beast, poco dopo la pubblicazione del rapporto intitolato “Figli delle città, la condizione dell’infanzia nel mondo, 2012″, ha scritto lungamente dell’anomalia italiana.-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

30 Lessons this Raw Vegan Mama Learned from Traveling and Dining Out with Omnivore Loved Ones

(see link at the end of article, wrote by a mother )

In the last 6 months alone, it seems like my family and I have traveled non-stop to be with friends and extended family.  These days, I feel like I am a bit of a pro when traveling with and dining out with loved ones who happen to be non-Raw Omnivores. 
I wish I could tell you we did wonderfully: I ate 100% Raw Vegan Foods and my family kept up their 50% Raw Vegan diet. But we did not.

25 Reasons Your Kids Should Do Yoga

This article was written and shared to me by Sandra of the website Sports Management Degrees. Thanks Sandra!

Yoga, the ancient Indian art of stretching, breathing, and meditation, has never been more popular. Since its beginnings over 5,000 years ago, millions of people around the world incorporate the practice of yoga in their daily lives. However, many people who practice yoga have never thought about sharing this activity with their children. Here, we have found 25 great reasons why you should encourage your kids to do yoga.
    1. It builds healthier eating habits. Some studies indicate that kids who practice yoga may choose healthier foods.
    2. Yoga helps kids deal with life’s stress. When kids “slow down” to participate in the practice of yoga, they learn techniques to help them deal with life’s challenges.
    3. Yoga helps children develop creativity. A holistic approach to teaching yoga allows children to experience yoga along with creative activities such as storytelling, expressive movement, and even art.

Thursday, 15 March 2012

Drink coke ? no thanks Bevi coca cola ? no grazie

Sat Mar 10, 2012 12:40am IST

(Reuters) - Coca-Cola Co and PepsiCo Inc are making changes to the production of an ingredient in their namesake colas to avoid the need to label the packages with a cancer warning

Paint lessons in Italy

see this link ...Paint lessons and italian lessons in Italy....

-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.


The flag of England is a white background with a solid red stripe going across it in the middle, and another solid red stripe going up-and-down in the middle. This symbol is called Saint George’s Cross, which represents Saint George, who was a Roman soldier and priest who died in the year 303 (over one thousand, seven hundred years ago!).

La bandiera d'Inghilterra,uno sfondo bianco con una striscia di colore rosso che attraversa nel mezzo, e un'altra striscia di colore rosso che l attraversa nel mezzo . Questo simbolo si chiama Croce di San Giorgio, rappresenta San Giorgio, che era un soldato romano e sacerdote morto nell'anno 303 (oltre un migliaio, settecento anni fa!).

- Tra i Migliori campo per windowtext l'inglese in Italia per Bambini Dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.
-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Theater teatro among the best tool to develop character in a child

versione inglese e italiana
In the theater they can play different roles, the strong, the weak, the bold, the shy,etc. Theater activities are among the best tool to bring out  talents in children, also helps improve their personality as they can play at being  different. If you usually behave as a good boy you can try to be a bad one, if you  move fast you can try to move slow, this teaches empathy and develops a better understanding of others and your self .
Children also love using their creativity and singing so a musical could be a lot of fun .

Nel fare  teatro i bambini possono sperimentare  ruoli diversi, il forte, il deboli, l' audace, il timido, ecc
Le attività teatrali sono tra lo strumento migliore per far emergere i talenti nei bambini, aiuta anche a migliorare il carattere, interpretando  un personaggio diverso da  se stessi. Se di solito si comportano come dei bravi bambini possono provare a essere cattivi, se sono veloci  possono  provare a muoversi lentamente, questo insegna l'empatia e sviluppa una migliore comprensione degli altri e te stesso.

I bambini amano usare la loro creatività e cantare per cui anche un musical  potrebbe essere molto divertente.

Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Saturday, 10 March 2012

I bambini sono cosi sinceri ...Le Bugie

25 Letters and 45 Sounds

With some 25 letters, humans can produce some 45 sounds. Not all languages use all of these sounds. The ‘r’ sound, for example, is familiar to Italian and Spanish speakers but not to Chinese or Japanese speakers. After adolescence, the brain becomes deaf to unheard sounds and is unable to reproduce them. It takes patience and repetition “to hear” these sounds and “pronounce” them. The following sounds are difficult for Italian speakers: ‘th,’ ‘h,’ English ‘r,’ long vowels as found in ‘leave,’ ‘sheep,’ ‘sheet,’ ‘no,’ ‘please,’ ‘far,’ ‘low,’ ‘cheese,’ ‘you,’ ‘wow,’ ‘cold,’ etc. Become aware of how you stress these sounds. Think of sentences or songs or games using these sounds. Where English speakers find it difficult to pronounce double consonants (e.g. PavaroTTi), Italian speakers find it difficult to pronounce ‘sheep’ and thus typically say ‘ship’.-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Lo Yoga è una disciplina che se seguita fin dalla più tenera età, può diventare uno degli strumenti più preziosi di prevenzione e cura di ogni malattia sia fisica che psichica.
Yoga is a discipline that can become an amazing tool to help prevent physical and psychologic deceases

Lo Stress, la Depressione, la Rabbia sono emozioni che colpiscono ora più che mai anche l'infanzia ed è per questo che  lo Yoga (la cui efficacia è riconosciuta anche dal mondo scientifico)puo' veramente aiutare i bambini e chi lavora con loro.
Children now a days are effected by emotions of Stess, Depression, Anger and that 's way Yoga  (whic efficenzy is recognized by the scientific world ) can really help children  and who work withs them.

-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Being Grateful Has The Power To Make Your Life Better

 Are you grateful for what you have in your life? Most people like to believe they are, but they really deep down are not. Being grateful is definitely something that has the power to change your life for the better. 
There are many things in everyone's life to be grateful for. Many people complain about their jobs and how much they hate it. This brings negative thoughts into your mind and can bring you down easily.
By using a positive affirmation you can turn this complaint into a positive one that states you are grateful for having your job. For example,

Friday, 9 March 2012

to learn ...all you need is

Children learn naturally when they feel  happy, free and loved !

-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

Mamme this is for you !

voler bene vuol dire essere informati......


-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.

Thursday, 1 March 2012

La macchina da scrivere non e' un UFO /the type writer is not a UFO

I was, a few months ago, at an Art meet up, here, young and not so young artists, were exposing their creations in different form ...on one table there was a typewritter ...a 20 year old girl was taking pictures of it, then she she turned and asked me : What is that ? (pointing to the typewriter)...well I was astonished ! I guess really  a lot has happen since I was born...and I' m not that old  :)!

Stavo ad un evento d' un paio di mesi fa', dove vari artistui giovani e non cosi'  giovani esibivano la loro arte in  diverse  maniere. Su un tavolo c' era una macchina da scrivere, una  ragazza sui 20anni mentre faceva delle foto a questo oggetto mi chiede : scusa ma che cos' e' questa cosa?..indicando la macchina da scrivere! ero cosi meravigliata .Cosi' mi resi conto che si, ne sono successe di cose da quando sono nata e non sono cosi' vecchia !!

-- Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.