Lo zucchero come una droga...ma avete notato quando leggete gli ingredienti delle merendine dei bambini...qual e il primo o secondo ingrediente ? lo zucchero ! e poi i vostri bambini vi chiedono ancora..ancora e' un grande strumento di marcheting e una droga che ti accompagna tutta la vita ...piu dolci mangi piu' ne mangeresti .....e poi le bevande alcholiche anche quelle sono fornitrici di droga , infatti hanno tanto zucchero, poi quando ti cala l' energia, ne vai a cercare ancora ! Mamme avete il dovere ti proteggere i vostri figli dalla macchina che travolge tutti ....dal cibo sbagliato all alchool alle droghe per stare svegli poi quando ti cala l 'energia ...alle malattie etc etc e chi ci guadagna ? .............
attendo commenti ! leggetevi se capite l' inglese l 'articolo sottostante ....
012-04-02 13:37:00 - Sugar addictive like cocaine, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and metablic syndrome risk factor.
012-04-02 13:37:00 - Sugar addictive like cocaine, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and metablic syndrome risk factor.
Robert Lustig, Cal. U, San Francisco, sugar is addictive. See also YouTUBE "Sugar, the bitter truth."
Kimber Stanhope, Cal. Davis, HFCS heart disease risk factor: increases LDL.
Lewis Cutley, Harvard, cancer cells have insulin receptors and thrive on sugar.
Eric Stice, Oregon Research Institute: Sugar addictive, very much like cocaine. Sugar hitting the tongue fires up reward regions in the brain; euphoric effect. Like drugs, builds up tolerance, and you need more and more sugar to stimulate reward regions and get euphoric effect.
Soon to come:
"GMOs, Frankenstein revisited." If you live in California, please get involved with the "Label GMOs" initiative.
Tra i migliori camp per imparare l'inglese in Italia per bambini dai 5 ai 12 anni al mare e in montagna.
Kimber Stanhope, Cal. Davis, HFCS heart disease risk factor: increases LDL.
Lewis Cutley, Harvard, cancer cells have insulin receptors and thrive on sugar.
Eric Stice, Oregon Research Institute: Sugar addictive, very much like cocaine. Sugar hitting the tongue fires up reward regions in the brain; euphoric effect. Like drugs, builds up tolerance, and you need more and more sugar to stimulate reward regions and get euphoric effect.
Soon to come:
"GMOs, Frankenstein revisited." If you live in California, please get involved with the "Label GMOs" initiative.
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